Collagen, for whom, why, and how?


Collagen is a protein found throughout our bodies and is essential for our well-being. It forms the structure of our skin, hair, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and connective tissues. Starting at age 26, our natural production of collagen begins to decline, and by 40, it decreases by at least 1% each year. Factors like smoking, pollution, caffeine, and intense exercise can also affect collagen production negatively. That's why it's crucial to maintain a balanced diet and consider sensible supplementation. There are three main types of collagen you should know about:

• Type I: This is the most abundant type, found primarily in the skin, tendons, and bones.
• Type II: Mainly found in cartilage.
• Type III: Located in muscles and the walls of blood vessels.

Collagen plays a key role in skin elasticity, a youthful appearance, and joint health. A balanced diet is essential for efficient collagen production. Your body needs 18 amino acids, including three specific ones for collagen creation: glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids form a chain known as tropocollagen, which is the basic unit of collagen. Here are some foods to boost collagen production:
• Salmon: Contains zinc, which aids amino acids in their functions.
• Garlic: Rich in sulfur, a chemical element that enhances collagen production and prevents premature skin aging.
• Fruits and Vegetables: Packed with antioxidants that slow down collagen degradation, as well as vitamin C, which improves its absorption and fights off free radicals.

An exception to consider: egg yolk membranes contain both collagen and sulfur, which help in collagen synthesis. And for the adventurous, bone marrow is another source of collagen.
Different collagen sources include:
• Bovine Collagen: Derived from cow skin, it's sterilized and liquefied for use in cosmetic procedures like lip augmentation and wrinkle reduction.

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However, when collagen is absorbed through the skin, its effects typically wear off within three months.

• Marine Collagen: Extracted from shrimp or fish residues, marine collagen is lighter than bovine collagen and is therefore more easily absorbed by the body (it has a 150% higher bioavailability compared to bovine or porcine collagen). Its structure is also closer to human collagen, and it tends to stay longer in the body, resulting in more prolonged effects.
• Porcine Collagen: Sourced from pig skin and bones, this type of collagen is often used in the production of gelatin.

Choosing Your Supplement
When picking a collagen supplement, it's crucial to examine the ingredient list and the source of the collagen. Ensure the animals haven't been treated with hormones or exposed to pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Sustainable fishing practices are also an important consideration.

Three Forms of Collagen
• Native Collagen: The protein size is too large to enter the bloodstream, resulting in only about 1% absorption.
• First Level of Transformation: Gelatin is produced through hydrolysis of native collagen, resulting in about 10% absorption.
• Second Level: Collagen Hydrolysate comes from further enzymatic hydrolysis of gelatin, breaking down the molecules even further and creating collagen peptides. This form has a 90% absorption rate and is the most effective.

Six Benefits of Collagen
• Improves skin health
• Strengthens bones and joints
• Maintains skin elasticity
• Maintains blood vessel elasticity
• Contributes to good eye health
• Aids in muscle recovery, especially post-workout

At Parantaga, we've developed a high-quality collagen supplement tailored to efficiently meet your body’s needs. It combines top-grade collagen with vitamin C-rich ingredients. The marine collagen hydrolysate we use is sourced entirely from wild codfish caught in the waters of Norway, adhering to sustainable fishing practices. The supplement also contains green tea, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, enhancing the effects of collagen and providing cellular protection. Further, acerola extract helps stimulate natural collagen production, while sea buckthorn extract helps combat fatigue and improve blood circulation. Lastly, the vitamin C present in these ingredients facilitates better collagen absorption and natural collagen production in the body.

COLLAGEN BEAUTY SUPERPOWDER by Parantaga is the ideal supplement for those looking to rejuvenate their skin, reducing and preventing the onset of wrinkles and fine lines.