There are no miracles, just science.

Parantaga is a brand of high-end dietary supplements with scientifically proven formulas designed to target various beauty and well-being issues.

Expert's Word - William Kadmiry, Naturopath

"At Parantaga, we are committed to selecting the best natural health ingredients whose effectiveness is systematically validated by the most comprehensive and recent scientific data, according to international scientific databases.

We select high-quality, certified ingredients: standardized plant extracts in active principles, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in their bioavailable forms.

Moreover, our products are naturally formulated without gluten, casein, and lactose, and do not contain aspartame, acesulfame K, preservatives, magnesium stearate, or titanium dioxide.

The formulation of our products is done in collaboration with a team of micronutritionists, natural health therapists, and biologists, in order to offer the best products to meet the demand they face."

William Kadmiry

Certified Natural Health Therapist specialized in Naturopathy and Micro-nutrition, and a Certified Sports Coach

Our Mission

We work exclusively with certified suppliers who are transparent about the origin of raw materials. Our products are made in Europe, in a state-of-the-art laboratory approved by the FDA. To ensure potency, safety, and effectiveness, our formulas contain only 100% natural ingredients of high quality and whose effectiveness is scientifically proven.

Parantaja {Finlandais} = guérisseur, thérapeute

Parantaga is healing. From the inside.

Because it is by taking care of ourselves from within that we naturally radiate on the outside. By utilizing the natural healing powers of micronutrition, we create products that combine natural ingredients from the highest quality herbs and plants to offer you beauty and well-being. Without any compromise.